
Funko recently started selling new Digital Pop! that are tied to digital collectibles (NFTs) that are purchased separately on their Droppp.io platform.

Their customers are typically existing Funko fans with no knowledge of digital collectibles or experienced digital collectors with crypto knowledge.

I was tasked to redesign the Digital Funko site with the following goals:

  • educate new users (must be beginner-friendly)

  • promote new drops

  • drive traffic to to Droppp.io

  • blend elements of new Funko and Droppp.io branding (Coincidentally, there was a transition to a new Funko brand design system happening at the same time this project was starting)

Funko recently started selling new Digital Pop! that are tied to digital collectibles (NFTs) that are purchased separately on their Droppp.io platform.

Their customers are typically existing Funko fans with no knowledge of digital collectibles or experienced digital collectors with crypto knowledge.

I was tasked to redesign the Digital Funko site with the following goals:

  • educate new users (must be beginner-friendly)

  • promote new drops

  • drive traffic to to Droppp.io

  • blend elements of new Funko and Droppp.io branding (Coincidentally, there was a transition to a new Funko brand design system happening at the same time this project was starting)

Funko recently started selling new Digital Pop! that are tied to digital collectibles (NFTs) that are purchased separately on their Droppp.io platform.

Their customers are typically existing Funko fans with no knowledge of digital collectibles or experienced digital collectors with crypto knowledge.

I was tasked to redesign the Digital Funko site with the following goals:

  • educate new users (must be beginner-friendly)

  • promote new drops

  • drive traffic to to Droppp.io

  • blend elements of new Funko and Droppp.io branding (Coincidentally, there was a transition to a new Funko brand design system happening at the same time this project was starting)


2 months


Product Designer - Julie Wu
Product Manager - Trevor Sheridan
Sr. Product Designer - Thomas Brown


Website Design


Existing Home Page (BEFORE)

The existing home page had several areas of improvement for new users. The following were critical questions that needed to be addressed:

  1. What is Digital Pop!?
    It is not immediately clear that this page sold digital collectibles. For the uneducated, new customers, it looks Funko is now selling physical packs that can be opened.

  1. Why should I (the customer) care?
    Digital Pop's unique selling point (USP) is not clear. Unlike traditional digital collectibles which sit online and can never be touched, Funko Digital Pop! can be redeemed for extremely rare REAL physicals.

  2. How am I (the customer) going to get this?
    Buying the Digital Pop! and redeeming a physical is a complex and critical process that is only explained in an FAQ question on this site.

The existing home page had several areas of improvement for new users. The following were critical questions that needed to be addressed:

  1. What is Digital Pop!?
    It is not immediately clear that this page sold digital collectibles. For the uneducated, new customers, it looks Funko is now selling physical packs that can be opened.

  1. Why should I (the customer) care?
    Digital Pop's unique selling point (USP) is not clear. Unlike traditional digital collectibles which sit online and can never be touched, Funko Digital Pop! can be redeemed for extremely rare REAL physicals.

  2. How am I (the customer) going to get this?
    Buying the Digital Pop! and redeeming a physical is a complex and critical process that is only explained in an FAQ question on this site.

The existing home page had several areas of improvement for new users. The following were critical questions that needed to be addressed:

  1. What is Digital Pop!?
    It is not immediately clear that this page sold digital collectibles. For the uneducated, new customers, it looks Funko is now selling physical packs that can be opened.

  1. Why should I (the customer) care?
    Digital Pop's unique selling point (USP) is not clear. Unlike traditional digital collectibles which sit online and can never be touched, Funko Digital Pop! can be redeemed for extremely rare REAL physicals.

  2. How am I (the customer) going to get this?
    Buying the Digital Pop! and redeeming a physical is a complex and critical process that is only explained in an FAQ question on this site.


Redesigned Home Page (AFTER)

Key Home Page Redesign Decisions:

  1. New Hero Blade with new image assets and copy to illustrate the purpose of Digital Pop! at a snapshot

  2. How It Works blade to simplify the complex process of buying Digital Pop! and then redeeming it for a rare physical.

  3. An addition of featured brands section built trust and matches what you see on Funko's main website. Based on past research, I know users are skeptical of NFTs and building trust is an essential step in their purchase decision.

  4. Each blade was designed to be customizable and easily inserted, removed, or reorganized based on priorities. (Ex: Helpful Resources section does not currently exist but was added for a potential new feature down the line)

  5. Blending new Funko brand style with Droppp's dark UI elements to ease the transition of traffic from Funko to Droppp.io which has its own dark design system.

Key Home Page Redesign Decisions:

  1. New Hero Blade with new image assets and copy to illustrate the purpose of Digital Pop! at a snapshot

  2. How It Works blade to simplify the complex process of buying Digital Pop! and then redeeming it for a rare physical.

  3. An addition of featured brands section built trust and matches what you see on Funko's main website. Based on past research, I know users are skeptical of NFTs and building trust is an essential step in their purchase decision.

  4. Each blade was designed to be customizable and easily inserted, removed, or reorganized based on priorities. (Ex: Helpful Resources section does not currently exist but was added for a potential new feature down the line)

  5. Blending new Funko brand style with Droppp's dark UI elements to ease the transition of traffic from Funko to Droppp.io which has its own dark design system.

Key Home Page Redesign Decisions:

  1. New Hero Blade with new image assets and copy to illustrate the purpose of Digital Pop! at a snapshot

  2. How It Works blade to simplify the complex process of buying Digital Pop! and then redeeming it for a rare physical.

  3. An addition of featured brands section built trust and matches what you see on Funko's main website. Based on past research, I know users are skeptical of NFTs and building trust is an essential step in their purchase decision.

  4. Each blade was designed to be customizable and easily inserted, removed, or reorganized based on priorities. (Ex: Helpful Resources section does not currently exist but was added for a potential new feature down the line)

  5. Blending new Funko brand style with Droppp's dark UI elements to ease the transition of traffic from Funko to Droppp.io which has its own dark design system.


New How It Works Page

I advocated for a dedicated page for this feature since buying and redeeming Digital Pop! is a complex process.

Instead of hiding how it works behind a small FAQ, I believed a visual guide would be easier to understand.


  • no NEW assets could be created, so I created everything myself

I advocated for a dedicated page for this feature since buying and redeeming Digital Pop! is a complex process.

Instead of hiding how it works behind a small FAQ, I believed a visual guide would be easier to understand.


  • no NEW assets could be created, so I created everything myself

I advocated for a dedicated page for this feature since buying and redeeming Digital Pop! is a complex process.

Instead of hiding how it works behind a small FAQ, I believed a visual guide would be easier to understand.


  • no NEW assets could be created, so I created everything myself


Drops Page Redesign

This page showed a list of all previous drops, but the only way to search through this page was by CTRL+F.

I added a new filter and search feature to quickly find old drops. But due to technical resources, we determined it was nice to have but not a must have.

This page showed a list of all previous drops, but the only way to search through this page was by CTRL+F.

I added a new filter and search feature to quickly find old drops. But due to technical resources, we determined it was nice to have but not a must have.

This page showed a list of all previous drops, but the only way to search through this page was by CTRL+F.

I added a new filter and search feature to quickly find old drops. But due to technical resources, we determined it was nice to have but not a must have.


Support Page Redesign

The support page was redesigned with ease of navigation in mind. Users on this page want to be able to quickly find help.

One original design decision was to add a search feature, but due to technical resource constraints that was removed.

The support page was redesigned with ease of navigation in mind. Users on this page want to be able to quickly find help.

One original design decision was to add a search feature, but due to technical resource constraints that was removed.

The support page was redesigned with ease of navigation in mind. Users on this page want to be able to quickly find help.

One original design decision was to add a search feature, but due to technical resource constraints that was removed.


FAQ Page Redesign

The FAQ redesign focused on making it easier to read and navigate through questions.

The FAQ redesign focused on making it easier to read and navigate through questions.

The FAQ redesign focused on making it easier to read and navigate through questions.

To embed a website or widget, add it to the properties panel.


We worked fairly quickly on this project with initial user assumptions and I wish we could have user tested before the project was ended.

It did not make it to live and the business decision was to eventually eliminate this site altogether and focus solely on our Droppp.io platform.

If it had continued, I would have loved to measure its success with metrics like decreased bounce rate and increased click through conversions over to Droppp.io.